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almost one. wait, you're a toddler now?

2/24/2015, you will be ONE year old. It’s extremely hard to believe, and has been absolutely the coolest experience of my life thus far. I don’t want to write your one year old note just yet, but here’s a look at what has been happening leading up to the big day.

- You aren’t walking yet, but each day you get more and more confident with just holding one of our hands to toddle around. I don’t know when you’ll finally decide it’s time, but you’ll know when it’s right. I can’t wait because then we can take short little walks together, and that just seems like so much fun.


- “Ma”, “Mama!”. “Dad”, “Dada!” “My Mama! My Dada!”. These are your favorite things to shout, and it’s damn adorable. When you are curious about something, you point and will say “Bah?” almost as if you’re asking us what that is. It’s so fun, even if I have to say “light, painting, tree..” over and over again. I think you have an arsenal of words you’re just building up for the day you explode into sentences.

- Your are the perfect combination of sweet and feisty! You give the best “big hugs” and the wettest, most amazing open mouth slimy kisses. When you don’t want to give a kiss, but you want one, you will lean your head in and let us know. And we plant one on you every time.


- Curiosity doesn’t run short for you little lady! You are into everything and want to know how everything works. You’ve figured out the remote to our bedroom light. You know to put the phone to your ear. You can brush your hair and try to put on your sock. You are so smart.


- Food has yet to be an issue, but you really love some spicy curry and savory meats and lentils! Black beans and Teensy Fruits are among your favorite snacks, and you seem to be into trying everything. You eat with us as a family now which is awesome fun! No more purees for you!

- I wasn’t sure what you would do if I gave you a crayon and some paper, maybe you’d just try and eat them? No, you colored. You love to color and paint, and it’s really funny to watch you as you work. You think really hard about what you’re doing, and then when you’re done, you’re done and the piece is complete! I’m sure we’ll have a gallery wall by the time you’re two, I mean at this rate you are the next Picasso! Minus the ear thing…..yikes.

- You have 4 teeth now, and we are patiently awaiting the rest to pop through like daisies. You've really handled teething like a champ up to this point, it's pretty impressive!


You are changing everyday, and everyday I learn something new. We can’t wait to celebrate your first birthday with friends and family, all who love you very much. You are awesome kid. We cannot wait to see what this year brings!

over the moon.

through the stars.

around the globe.

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